

Three Points of View

Agnes Trubecki Agnes Trubecki

With these uncertain times upon us; I figured that starting on the mindfulness part of my blog would be best. Some may not be familiar with mindfulness coaching and to be honest, I have heard many different perspectives on it from others as well. To some, mindfulness; which is being present and aware at a given moment, might be no more or less than just the state of meditation. However, there is so much more that it has to offer.

To me mindfulness is relaxing your mind and digging deep to the core. Why do certain things bother you? What are your triggers and why? Do you find yourself motivated for a day or two.. maybe a week, but you can't seem to discipline yourself to stay consistent?

All your answers are within, but it's hard to be self aware. Have you heard of "there are always two points of view"? Well trust me when I say three points of view is a game changer. Start looking at your problem from a completely outside perspective. Does it still seem like a problem? Can you measure it and see how big of a problem it really is?

Through understanding and practice you will soon realize.. you are in control🧘‍♀️

Agnieszka Trubecki,


Certified Mindfulness Coach

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